Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Living Testament

Saw this on Patsy Clairmont's Facebook page. It's one of my favorite songs performed by Fernando Ortega and so appropriate to be played as a tribute to Ruth Bell Graham. Beautiful.

Wow Lord. What a testament.
The deep desire of my heart is to be a living example of Your love, forgiveness, and grace. Also to be a best friend, lover, a Christian wife and partner to my husband.
When I watched this video, and saw how Billy looked at his wife, and heard people's testimony about her life and walk with You... Wow! I want some of that! How amazing and beautiful. It showed me even more how important it is to put You first and trust in You to take care of my needs so that I can service others.
But so many times I feel like I fall short. It is so easy to let the things of this world seep into my life, my actions, and our home. Please don't let me get bogged down in that again. Protect my heart and my husband's and this home.
Thank you for being a loving God and Father. Please continue to guide me and show me areas that I need to change.
Although I will probably never be as well known as Ruth Bell Graham was, I hope that when You call me home to Heaven, that somehow, somewhere, my life will have been a living testament to someone who needed to hear about Your love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness. I want my life to reflect, to others, the love and respect I have for You first, my husband second, and my family third.
Just give me Jesus. :)
Thank you, Lord.

Your child,