Friday, April 17, 2009

Many the Miles

Okay so I'm a huge fan of Sara Bareilles and her music. One of my favorite songs of hers is a song called Many the Miles and I always wanted to know why and what inspired her to write this song. Today I read her myspace blog and found out what her inspiration was and I thought I should share it with you all.
Sara writes:

So I wrote this song as a reminder to myself to keep going in search of love and truth and light and it remains to be and ideal I love to stay connected to.
I suck at it a lot of the time actually, to be honest. I get bitchy, and bored, and irritable, and uninspired and I spend a lot of energy on what i don't like about myself. But at the end of a good day I can take solace in the fact that I am someone who truly wants to be peaceful. Who knows I have the capacity to be truly happy. Not every moment of everyday... but sometimes, and if I'm really committed... a lot of the time.
I don't want to settle for less.
And i wish that for every single one of you. That when you look at your life you gravitate towards what feeds your soul and the people that make you feel inspired and content and beautiful (on the inside, silly). That you give yourself permission to be flawed and imperfect and "lesser than". Know that we all are. I promise. We just don't like to admit it.

So that's my rant for today.
As I cross the miles to get to our destination, I want to send you all little boxes of light that make you feel courageous and perfect. Just in being who you are.
So there.


Thank you Sara for that reminder. :) I really needed to read that after this week. :) You can check out the full post and her other blog posts on her myspace blog page at

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