Friday, November 28, 2008


Ready or not the holidays are here! Can you believe it? For me this time of year always brings about reminiscing about the past year, what's in store for the future, my family and friends here and away.

I am SO thankful this year for my friends and family who've been there to encourage and embrace me in all the ups and downs I've had this year. I'm also UBER thankful for a forgiving God. I have truly appreciated this second chance He's given me. I pray that this coming year I will be more consistent in my walk with the Lord and that He will be able to use me to bring others closer to Him.

I miss my friends who are very far away. I have a best friend in Washington whom I miss dearly. My lovely sisters live out of town. Although I got to spend time with them and my cousins this week, it wasn't enough time. I miss all of you as well.
I have another good friend who I miss dearly. He's currently living out of the country. But he's never far from my thoughts especially around the holidays. I don't really know why, except that he's been out of the US for over a year now and although I said goodbye to him so long ago, I never thought he'd be gone for as long as he has. Many times over the course of his absence from our town, I've had dreams where he has come back and he is hanging out with us on guy/girl night. Or he surprises my husband and I with an unannounced visit to our house. The dreams are so real that when I wake up I have to remind myself that they were just dreams. It's somewhat sad.

But then on the flip side, there are many people here near me whom I love and are blessed to be near.
My husband is one of those people. I love him so much and am so happy in the morning when I wake up and see him lying next to me in bed. He is my rock and keeps me balanced. The love I have for him is not the superficial lusting love, but rather the deeper "we've been through a lot together" love. Although I really don't always agree with him, I respect him for who he is, who he's grown to be, and who he will become. God has a wonderful plan for him and I feel privileged that I can share in that.
I have a wonderful neighbor who has grown into a dear girl friend. She also helps keep me sane and her little reminders and words of wisdom she's shared with me have really helped me keep going and put things into perspective when I've felt overwhelmed. She has a wonderful heart and is just the kind of person I've needed to have near me. I hope that in some way I will be able to be as much of an encouragement and friend to her that she has been to me.
I LOVE the ladies from my women's Bible study group. They have challenged me in my walk and quiet time with the Lord. I'm thankful to be included in this group and have learned much from what they've shared during Bible Study.
You have all shown me how important it is for me to draw closer to the Lord and how far I have drifted away from Him. For that, I will never be able to thank you enough.

And so.... I am going to leave you with the following music videos. I love, miss and am so thankful for you all. All of the videos below have reminded of you at various points in my life this year. I wish that we could all be together for Christmas this year. :(
I hope that you all had a good Thanksgiving and will have a good Christmas and a blessed New Year.

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