Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Trading my sorrows

So I've been going through some things in my life recently that have been a challenge for me. My attempts at remaining positive through all of this has resulted in mostly fails. (I swear I'm not emo. I promise. Even though these blogs would lead you to think I was, I'm not.) So I'm trying to maintain a more positive attitude when life isn't going my way (which this year seems to be about 90% of the time).
Right now I'm at that point. I can either fret and worry and get upset, OR... I can put a smile on my face and try to think of positive things and things to be grateful for. So while I was pondering whether or not I pout or praise, the song Trading My Sorrows by Darrell Evans popped into my head. Very appropriate. :) So I've decided to "trade in my sorrows" and push through. The end of today is almost here.

Incidentally, the Snapple "Real Fact" #168 from my Snapple tea I'm drinking today says: "One brow wrinkle is the result of 200,000 frowns."
Can you believe that?! Well I guess that's just another reason to decide to remain positive. I'd much rather have wrinkles from smiling and laughing too much than from frowning! :)

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